News & Press
News & Press
The U.K. has decided to postpone post-Brexit import checks on goods coming from the EU
Positive news has been released by the UK Government regarding changes to post-Brexit import checks. UK traders importing goods from the EU have been...
Is your ERP holding you back from creating more procurement value?
In IT-centric organisations, procurement teams are often told to limit their technological ambitions and only use software approved and provided by...
Artificial Intelligence – Spend Analytics
From our experience, every data driven project will have several stakeholders asking “where is the AI component in this” or “does AI not do this...
Four tips to de-risking your P2P deployment
Procurement organisations are investing considerable resources to transform their operations. One area that has attracted a lot of interest in recent...
How procurement can turn GDPR into an opportunity
With an emphasis on third parties, GDPR makes data protection procurement’s problem. Here’s how to turn it into an opportunity – and keep your job It...
Are you unduly exposing your business to supply chain risks?
The last few months have tested many procurement organisations to their limit. The increasing scale of tightening credit conditions worldwide and...
How well do you know your customer lifecycle?
t is one of the most widely accepted rules of business: it is cheaper to retain your customers than to spend time, effort and money attracting new...
How to reduce business risks and costs with better supplier onboarding
Now is the time to get closer to your suppliers and understand their potential impact on your organisation. The need for procurement to check and...